Appointments (shop visits):
or phone - 0844 5857299
For the following services:
All roll orders
Request for catalogue of new rolls available
Orders for piano parts/materials and requests for info on the same
About instruments for sale by the Pianola Shop
About restorations, repairs, removals
Enquiries about The Pianola Shop and our services
For enquiries on the following services:
Rolls you wish to sell*
Instruments you wish to sell*
Rolls on this site, specific or general
About player-pianos and rolls generally
* The Main Office requests that e-mail
enquiries of the nature where you are considering a sale of an instrument and
would like an idea of what we may offer be sent to our Roll-Librarian.
Please provide details (if possible) of the make
of piano, make of player, whether it is a 65 or 88 note player or what other kind
of mechanism it is, the serial number
of the piano if possible, the condition of the piano, player mechanism and piano casework and finish
and anything
else you can say about it briefly. If you wish to send as an email attachment a photo or photos of the instrument
and/or it's insides (to maximum of 3 photos) please send either a *.jpg or
a *gif format image each image no larger
than 50K in size (larger individual images will be automatically rejected).
* Similarly, if you wish to sell rolls, please email the Roll-Librarian stating the type of rolls, quantity,
general condition
and (most helpful if possible) title details.